كورس كيسينج و سيمنت شرح كامل للكيسنج والاسمنت-Casing And Cementing |Schlumberger

كورس كيسينج و سيمنت شرح كامل للكيسنج والاسمنت-Casing And Cementing |Schlumberger

كورس كيسينج و سيمنت شرح كامل للكيسنج والاسمنت-Casing And Cementing |Schlumberger
يتم إنزال الأنبوب ذو القطر الكبير في حفرة مفتوحة وتثبيته في مكانه. يجب على مصمم البئر تصميم غلاف يتحمل مجموعة متنوعة من القوى ، مثل الانهيار والانفجار وفشل الشد ، بالإضافة إلى المحاليل الملحية العدوانية كيميائيًا. يتم تصنيع معظم وصلات الغلاف بخيوط ذكرية في كل طرف ،

 وتستخدم وصلات غلاف قصيرة الطول مع خيوط أنثوية لربط الوصلات الفردية للغلاف معًا ، أو يمكن تصنيع مفاصل الغلاف بخيوط ذكرية في أحد الأطراف وخيوط أنثوية على الطرف. آخر. يتم تشغيل الغلاف لحماية تكوينات المياه العذبة ، أو عزل منطقة العوائد المفقودة ، أو عزل التكوينات ذات تدرجات الضغط المختلفة بشكل كبير. 
تسمى العملية التي يتم خلالها وضع الغلاف في حفرة البئر "الأنبوب الجاري". عادة ما يتم تصنيع الغلاف من الفولاذ الكربوني العادي الذي تتم معالجته بالحرارة بدرجات متفاوتة من القوة ولكن يمكن تصنيعه بشكل خاص من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ والألمنيوم والتيتانيوم والألياف الزجاجية ومواد أخرى.

Functions of Casing

-Prevent cave-in or washout of the hole
-Prevent contamination between zones
-Confine production to the well bore
-Provide a means for controlling well pressure
-Provide a path for produced fluids
-Permit installation of artificial lift equipment

Casing Properties

-Range – Indicates the length rane
-Size – Indicates the OD of the casing
-Weight – Indicates the weight per unit length of the pipe
-Connection – Indicates the design of threads and the coupling
-Grade – Indicates the strength



Prevents washing out under the rig
Provides elevation for flow nipple


Possible occurrence of shallow water flows
Low temperatures (offshore)
Drilling through gas hydrates under deep water conditions (offshore)


Large excess
Stab-in cementing common
Accelerated neat cement


Prevents washing out under the rig
Provides elevation for flow nipple


Possible occurrence of shallow water flows
Low temperatures (offshore)
Drilling through gas hydrates under deep water conditions (offshore)


Large excess
Stab-in cementing common

Accelerated neat cement

Key Points:
-Less channelling
-Small displacement volume
-Pump until cement to surface
-Less job time (rig time)
-Less cement

Outside Cementing (Top Job)

-Key points:
-Bring cement to surface
-Macaroni tubing used
-Max. depth 250-300 ft
-High friction pressures
-Non-standard connections



Protect surface fresh water formation
Case off unconsolidated or loss areas
Provide a competent mechanical base for subsequent operations (BOP, etc.)


Possible occurrence of shallow water flows
Low temperatures (offshore)
Drilling through gas hydrates (offshore)


Light weight lead and neat tail slurries
Large excess ( 50 - 150 %)

Intermediate Casing(s)


Isolate hole into workable sections


Potential problems: over-pressured, loss zones, salt formations or heaving shales
Narrow pressure window, between pore @ bottom & frac @ top
13 3/8” casing in 17 ½” hole
9 5/8” casing in 12 ¼” hole
3000 to 10,000 ft (vertical or deviated)

Two Stage Cementing

Key Points:

Separation and isolation of zones
Reduces hydrostatic
Can leave zone in the annulus uncemented (cement at TD and surface)

كورس كيسينج و سيمنت شرح كامل للكيسنج والاسمنت-Casing And Cementing |Schlumberger

Production Casing(s) or Liner(s)


-Isolates the pay zone from other formations and the fluids in them.
-Protective housing for production equipment.
-Subsurface artificial lift
-Multiple zone completion
-Screens for sand control
-Covers worn or damaged intermediate string.


Key Points:
-Requires less casing
-Deeper wells
-Small annular clearance
-Specialized equipment


Definition and purposes

The introduction of a cementacious material into the annulus between casing and open hole to

Types of casing and cementing

Conductor, Surface, Intermediate, Production or Liner

Cement job design basics

Hole & casing capacities, Formation temperature & pressures, Static & dynamic hydrostatic pressures, Flow regimes, etc

Equipments (On-shore & off-shore)

Cement pump skid, Cement pump truck, Bulk plant, Batch mixer, Cement heads, Liquid Additive System, Cement mixing system
The introduction of a cementacious material into the annulus between casing and open hole to :
-Provide zonal isolation
-Support axial load of casing strings and strings to be run later
-Provide casing support and protection
-Support the borehole

Criteria for Successful Cementing Objectives

-Mud removal
-Casing hardware
-Slurry properties

Objectives of Primary Cementing

-Provide complete isolation of zones (Hydraulic Bond)
-To support the casing (Shear Bond)
-Protect casing string

Mud Removal

-One of the most important aspect of cement job
-A 3-step process before cementing
*Hole cleaning
*Conditioning the drilling fluid
*Displace the drilling fluid from the annulus
-Hole Cleaning
*Controlled & optimized mud properties
*Wiper trips
* 95% Total hole volume in circulation
*Caliper log

Conditioning Mud

*Break gel strength
*Lower pv
*Drill solids < 6%
*Determine minimum rate to have flow all-around casing
-Displace Mud from Annulus
*Optimized slurry placement
*Casing centralization optimized
*Casing movement

Criteria for Effective Mud Removal

-Centralize casing
-Casing movement
-Wiper plugs
-Washes and spacers
Flow regime selection

Casing Running/Cementing Procedures

-To achieve this the casing must be:
-Centralized to achieve a good cement bond.
-Cemented to a sufficient height that provides isolation.
-Cemented with flow properties that optimize mud removal.
-Balanced (with fluids) inside and out during cementingto prevent burst or collapse.
-Pressure tested after cementing to ensure integrity and stability.
-A good cement job depends on:
-Sufficient mud filter cake and mud removal.
-Correct design densities pumped into the well.
-Correct use of cementing plugs.
-Correct displacement. (No over-displacement)
-Sufficient waiting time for cement to set (WOC).
-Correct pressure testing procedure after cementing.

Evaluation of Cement jobs

A cement quality can be measured by:

-CBL/VDL Logging after cement has set around casing.
-Pressure testing the shoe during an LOT.
-Inflow testing of Liner Laps.
-Pressure testing against drilled out squeezes.
-Pressure testing on top of cement plugs.
-Setting down weight on cement plugs.

Cement Evaluation Methods

-Hydraulic testing
-Temperature, nuclear (cement top)
*Sonic (CBL/VDL, CBT): omnidirectional
*Ultrasonic (USI): high resolution image
-Analysis of cement job data

Other Methods

-Pressure testing the shoe during an LOT.
-This can show a poor cement job at the shoe as well as the leak off pressure to the formation.
-Inflow testing of Liner Laps.
-When a liner is cemented across a production zone, Inflow testing or a Negative test can be done when the hydrostatic of the displacement fluid is less than that of the original mud and liner cement. -The open casing is observed at surface for flow back and/or bubbles.
-Pressure testing against drilled out squeezes or plugs
- A simple pressure test against the top of a plug or squeezed perforations will indicate if all leak paths have been effectively sealed.

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